On a lighter note, I’ve lost some of my Korean weight. I’m so motivated to get to my goal weight and my skin is finally clearing up because of the Shu Uemura oil cleanser Kalan and I bought. I definitely recommend it. I’ve also been really excited for my upcoming photo shoots. Here are some pics of my last shoot with photographer David Kim. You can see more of them from his flickr site - http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidkimphotography/
I’m still searching for model agencies by emailing people and searching online. If I don’t hear from anyone soon I’m going to have to go about it by foot and go to Gangnam during my breaks. I’ll stalk people if I have to hehe. I saw a poster on a bus that said Seoul Fashion week is coming soon. I’m dying to know everything about it and how I can get myself either on the runway or in the audience. Any ideas?
Awww *cough* *cough* thanks for the soooondoooobooooo. Even though I could hardly eat it. Your pictures look fantastic! My girlfriend is so pretty!