Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Found Motivation

Christmas vacation is officially over. Kalan and I just spent two weeks in California (which includes two days in Vegas) and I don't know how to express how much I really needed the break. First off, to see my friends and family was so amazing and fun. The roomies from 8 Merrimac (minus Lowam (next time girl)) were great and took us out for my birthday. We also spent a drunken jacuzzi night in La Verne with Jamie and her roommate Sayaka. We had FOUR Christmases and did tons more and through all the conversations I had with everyone I have a new outlook on my time here in Korea.

Things were getting really frustrating for me before I visited home (aside from my trip to Tokyo and hanging out with friends). Mostly my job hours were waring on me and I was lashing it out on food and Kalan. I wasn't motivated to model. It seemed like the cold was just freezing everything in my life.

But now, things are in motion again and I have a few things to look forward to. First off, January will be my last month at my job. No more split shift and waking up at 5:40am!! I start my new part-time job next week. I'll be transcribing NPR-type radio stories for six hours a week and make my rent plus more. On top of that, I'll be tutoring during my free time.

Also, I'm enrolling in a Korean language program at Sukmyung Women's University. The university is really close to where I'll be moving. We are moving in with our best friends parents who have an extra room, a lovely house, a cute dog AND A DRYER! I'm so excited! Rent is miniscule to what we pay now, we wont have to pay utilities and groceries are included.

Things are definitely in motion and I'm really looking forward to it all. With all my free time I can network and look for jobs in the fashion industry. 2010 will be starting off well and it's exciting to see what the rest of the year will bring. Hopefully, Kalan and I can start careers of some kind lol.

Well that's my update. I'll write again soon.


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